The Unsung Hero: Curtis Jones and Liverpool's Return to Form

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Liverpool Football Club has undergone a remarkable transformation in recent times, and the arrival of Hungarian sensation Dominic Szoboszlai has certainly caught the eye of fans. His dynamic style and ability to drive the team forward have earned him praise and comparisons to legends like Steven Gerrard.

However, there is another player whose contributions have been instrumental in Liverpool's resurgence, and that player is Curtis Jones. Viasport will explore how Curtis Jones has quietly become the backbone of Liverpool's midfield, helping them overcome their defensive issues in their quest to reclaim their status as the dominant force in English football. 


Liverpool's Recent Struggles 

Before delving into Curtis Jones's impact, it's essential to understand the challenges Liverpool faced in the previous season. The team displayed inconsistency, with baffling results such as a 7-0 win against Manchester United followed by a 1-0 loss to Bournemouth. Defensive problems were evident, and their famed high press was no longer as effective as before. Transitioning from defense to attack had become a stumbling block, leading to frequent tactical changes and a lack of consistency in team selection. The absence of momentum, a hallmark of Liverpool's success in previous seasons, had hampered Jurgen Klopp's heavy-metal style of football. 


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Image: Reuters

The Tactical Shift 

Liverpool's tactical transformation began to take shape in the second half of a 2-2 draw with Arsenal. The key change involved a player shifting inside to act as an inverted fullback in midfield. This tactical shift aimed to provide greater stability in defense while maintaining the team's attacking prowess. The altered formation featured a back three, a higher-positioned midfield, and wider wingers, enabling better build-up play. While this change improved certain aspects, Liverpool still struggled with defensive transitions, a problem that persisted despite the tactical shift. 


Curtis Jones: The Catalyst for Change 

The turning point in Liverpool's 18-game unbeaten run (which, if we count the 0-0 draw with Chelsea in April, becomes a 19-game run) was the return of Curtis Jones to the starting lineup. Jones had been sidelined with injuries but made a significant impact when he returned. Let's delve into the statistics to understand the magnitude of his contribution. 

Improved Results: With Curtis Jones in the team, Liverpool scores more goals, concedes fewer, and wins more games per season. This trend holds for the current season as well, emphasizing Jones's consistency and effectiveness. 

Ball Retention: Jones is a master of ball retention. His precise passing and ability to keep possession under pressure help Liverpool control games and avoid turnovers in dangerous areas. 

Versatility: Jones's adaptability is a key asset. He seamlessly shifts positions to complement his teammates' movements, creating space and maintaining the team's fluidity. 

Counter Pressing: Jones excels at counter-pressing, disrupting opponents' counter-attacks and regaining possession quickly. This ability is crucial in Klopp's system, as it prevents dangerous transitions. 

Decision Making: Jones's intelligent decision-making stands out. He knows when to release the ball, when to draw defenders, and when to cover for teammates. His football IQ is vital to Liverpool's success. 

viasport curtis jones liverpool

Image: Getty Images


While Dominic Szoboszlai's arrival has injected excitement into Liverpool's midfield, it's Curtis Jones who has quietly orchestrated the team's resurgence. His contributions extend beyond flashy highlights, encompassing ball retention, counter-pressing, and intelligent decision-making. Jones is the unsung hero who makes everyone around him better, a facilitator of excellence in Liverpool's midfield. As Liverpool continues its quest for silverware, remember that sometimes, the most significant impact comes from the unassuming players who work tirelessly in the background. Curtis Jones is one such player, and his role in Liverpool's success should not be underestimated. 


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