Why Are Footballers Moving to Saudi Arabia?

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Image: RSL

The Saudi Pro League (SPL) has been actively trying to attract foreign football players to their league. Bankrolled by the Public Investment Fund (PIF), Saudi Arabia is taking the football market by storm this summer transfer window. Viasport looks at some reasons as to why they have achieved to bring so many players over this summer, why this might be problematic 


Factors Contributing To Their Success This Summer   

Financial Incentives 

The primary factor that attracts foreign players to leagues like the Saudi Pro League is the substantial financial incentives offered by clubs in terms of player salaries. Saudi Arabian clubs often have the financial resources to offer contracts far beyond what they would get in another league. Jordan Henderson for example, is 30 years old and past the peak of his career in Liverpool. He is reportedly getting 750 000 pounds a week to play for Al-Ettifaq. 


Investment in Football Infrastructure 

The Saudi Football Federation and various clubs in the Saudi Pro League have made significant investments in improving football infrastructure, including stadiums, training facilities, and other amenities. Being used to world-leading facilties in leagues like the Premier League and Serie A, the transition is more seamless than ever. 


Global Exposure 

While the Saudi Pro League might not have the same historical prestige as some of the more established European leagues, the opportunity for global exposure and recognition has been increasing. The league's efforts to bring in foreign talent can help boost its international profile and viewership, which is attractive to players who want to continue building their careers and personal brands. The arrival of Cristiano Ronaldo last year really opened the floodgates exposure wise. 


Cultural Adaptation 

Saudi Arabia has been working on improving its cultural adaptability to attract foreign players. Efforts to create a comfortable and welcoming environment for players and their families can make the transition to a new country and league smoother. In addition, players with a Muslim background might have a bigger incentive to try their hand in Saudi Arabia, where Islam is the primary religion. 


Image: Reuters

Competitive Challenge 

Considering the amount of world class players the SPL has attracted this summer, a relatively new aspect would be the competitive challenge that has risen. Playing alongside and against players like Cristiano Ronaldo, Karim Benzema, and Neymar attracts potential players to take the step over to Saudi Arabia. 


Strategic Recruitment 

Clubs in the Saudi Pro League might have strategic recruitment plans aimed at identifying players who can contribute to their success on the field. They may target specific positions or skill sets that can elevate their teams and help them compete at higher levels. 

The Problematic Downside of Saudi Arabia

However, bringing foreign football players to the Saudi Pro League can present various challenges and potential ethical concerns, especially considering Saudi Arabia's legal and cultural context. Here are some aspects that are problematic to say the least:   

Labor Rights and Treatment 

There have been concerns raised about labor rights and the treatment of foreign workers in Saudi Arabia, not just in football but in various industries. There have been reports of exploitation, poor working conditions, and instances where workers' rights have been violated. Foreign football players, like any other foreign workers, should be ensured fair treatment, proper contracts, and appropriate working conditions. 


Cultural and Social Adaptation 

Moving to a new country with a vastly different cultural and social context can be challenging for foreign players and their families. Saudi Arabia follows strict cultural norms and Islamic practices that might be unfamiliar or uncomfortable for players coming from different backgrounds. Ensuring that players are adequately prepared and supported in adapting to these cultural differences is important. 


Ethical Considerations 

Saudi Arabia has faced criticism for its human rights record, including issues related to freedom of expression, gender equality, and treatment of minority groups. Foreign players might find themselves in situations where their personal beliefs or actions clash with local norms or laws. This can raise ethical dilemmas for players who want to uphold their own values while respecting the host country's regulations. 


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Image: Getty Images

Freedom of Expression 

In Saudi Arabia, there are limitations on freedom of expression and political activism. Players might feel restricted in expressing their opinions on certain matters, both within the football context and beyond. This limitation could impact their ability to speak out on social or political issues. 


Gender Segregation 

Saudi Arabia practices strict gender segregation in public spaces and institutions. This might affect the families of foreign players, particularly female family members, in terms of access to facilities and integration within the local community. 


Religious Considerations 

Saudi Arabia follows a strict interpretation of Islam, and foreign players might need to adhere to religious practices that are different from their own. This could impact their daily routines, diet, and lifestyle. 


Media Scrutiny 

Foreign players in the Saudi Pro League could face media scrutiny not only related to their performance on the field but also their personal lives. Media coverage might focus on their adaptation, cultural integration, and adherence to local norms. 


Geo-Political Issues 

Playing in Saudi Arabia could potentially make foreign players inadvertently part of geo-political narratives, considering Saudi Arabia's position in the Middle East and its international relationships. This could lead to situations where players are under pressure to take positions on sensitive international matters. 


It's important for both the Saudi Pro League and the players themselves to be aware of these potential challenges and to work collaboratively to address them. Ensuring that players' rights, well-being, and personal values are respected should be a priority, while also considering the broader cultural, legal, and ethical context of the host country. 


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